It's never enough for me.
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I don’t usually play out sexy time too much, so let’s keep it kind of short?

Lysander had no difficultly entering the female. Physically he was ready, he hadn’t enjoyed himself since Winnie had left, the few females he had come across had come to nothing. Mentally rather than dissuade him the fact that this women belonged to his brother excited him. He was taking something away from Leroy, Leroy who seemed to get whatever he wanted and didn’t care about anything. As he was moving back and forth within her, clawing into her flesh, he knew his scent was clinging to her, his claw marks leaving a story on her flesh. The female already seemed to have a lot of scarring, but he knew Leroy wouldn’t miss the fresh marks. Lysander grunted with satisfaction of a job well done as he worked.


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