What I called home
Deny? What was there to deny? Haku was just making things more confusing for the both of them. He was blinded by his beliefs, he was far off from the truth. The real question here is 'who's the one that is unloyal and selfish?' Haku was in this situation, placing all the blame on the young female. He was going around as a king, but that's all. He's the one that doesn't give anything to help the pack expand. The girl remained silent an pretended that she didn't hear anything from him.

The girl heard what he said next. Cercelee accepted her into the pack, and she understood when the girl left. What makes Haku think that he can change her mind to turn her against Flayra? After when she said that the girl was welcome back anytime? The girl knew Cerc and Slay too much that they wouldn't break their offer. The girl was thinking that Haku was just saying it to scare her so that she wouldn't come back. A way to trick, but she was hurt inside by those nasty sayings. She just wanted to cry, but she held the tears back, trying to be strong. She stepped back some steps indicating that was she leaving. She took a breath when she paused and turned around. With a light voice, she said, "At least tell her... that I dropped by." Of course, when she said 'her', she meant Cercelee. At that moment she went back into the direction of Crimson Dreams.

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