It's never enough for me.
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It came just as she pulled the knife to his throat. The release and the euphoria that followed afterward. Had he pulled out any sooner the evidence would have been all over her thighs and legs but as it was he took his leisurely time extracting himself, his hand holding back her own as she held the metal to his neck. His chuckle was light and easy, his smirk bright and happy. Once far enough so she could not strike out at him he released her hand and sighed happily. “Flea infested animal? I prefer a “yeah baby” a bit more but if that’s your idea of dirty talk, I’ll take it.” He regarded the cabin more thoroughly now, not too concerned with the women any longer. Her purpose had been served and he knew she was soon likely to kick him out. Turning back, his words were peppy “You always sleep with men you don’t know like that?”


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