I sing to keep the darkness away
[html]Tuck gave a chirp of alarm as another wolf ran over dropping down in front of Domino. Domino raised his head wearily and blinked his eyes trying to wake up, "What is it now Tuck?" It took him a minute to realize there was another wolf and when he did he jumped up hitting the bush and small leaves fall around him like rain. He sat up slower this time and shook himself the leaves spreading out around him. "Oi, yeah I'm alright I guess,"

He rubbed the top of his head to stop the stinging form whacking into a bush and then let out a large yawn. Tuck flitted down and landed on his nose and glared at Jasper accusingly. While the small bird trusted Domino other wolves were still a threat. The song birds glare was interrupted as Domino sneezed sending the bird into the air. Tuck gave a cry of surprise and resettled himself on Dominoes head between his ears, and started to prune his feathers keeping an eye on Jasper.

"Don't mind Tuck Mister. He can be grumpy sometimes." His feminine voice sounded so small compared to jaspers loud exclamation and Domino sat up straighter to try looking bigger than he was. Of course this just exposed his ribs that showed through his fur form undernourishment. [/html]

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