I sing to keep the darkness away

Jasper, while immediately forcing himself forward at a sign of could-be distress, was certainly not the type of wolf to just go out and meet others and socialize. The sandy colored wolf was only a few months over a year old and still quite the child in his thoughts and mannerisms. Ever quiet, withdrawn, and almost constantly trying to keep himself out of trouble. Like most other wolves though, Jasper could easily adapt to a situation if there may be something dire hanging in the balance, such as a hurt child, and so the worry was apparent in his eyes.

The young male hadn't at all been expecting the sudden jolt from the child, which sent him knocking into a bush and, likewise, send Jasper falling back to his rear. That wouldn't be all though as soon another creature would join them. The bird didn't seem all to happy with Jasper, for a reason he didn't yet understand, and Jasper immediately raised his arms up to his own face. A defense to a could-be pecking. It seemed this was something that Jasper wouldn't have to worry about though, for when the pup sneezed the bird went flying, only to perch back on the child's head.

"Eh..sorry." And he frowned some, his words, directed more toward the bird than the pup, quiet and uncertain. One hand lifted and Jasper scratched slowly at his ear, taking the new and, very odd, situation before trying to speak again. "I jus' though maybe you were hurt. Whatcha doin out here anyways?"


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