keep it inside, it all goes, all goes by
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She could tell how uneasy Alexey had become at the topic of Firefly. Savina looked at her friend curiously, her brows knitting together. What was wrong with Kansas' sister. She didn't know anything about the woman, only that she was her beloved's sibling. Even if Kansas had told her about his twin it would have painted a very different picture from what she would hear from others. The she wolf acted differently around her brother. The news was a bit shocking. "Excluded? You mean kicked out?" What had she done to receive that fate? Did Kansas know? She had a feeling he didn't. Perhaps she didn't want to know the details. She didn't want to keep anything from her mate and she didn't want to tell him second hand stories about her bad deeds, it would only upset him.

The Koios woman was as surprised by her charge's response as everyone else in the room. It was really too bad that the visit had taken such an unpleasant turn. This would do nothing to help Cambria's shyness. Though she didn't blame Alexey at all. She couldn't have guessed that this would happen. "It's ok Alexey, it's not your fault..." Cambria was continuing to sob against her chest, but the mother didn't have it in her to be mad at the boy. He was just a confused, sad little pup. She nodded at Alexey as the femme nudged the pup to the door and it seemed that that would be the end. But then Conor squealed and took off. Savina craned her neck to look and see what would happen but she didn't dare stand up and leave her daughter's crying form.


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