soft spoken with a broken jaw
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The man looked back but quickly turned his face away. Still, even with that short glance she could tell he only had one working eye. Now that she took a closer look his body was heavily scarred. This put the mother on edge a bit. She wasn't one to judge a book by its cover, but with her son in her arms she was more cautious of such signs that she usually was. Unexpectedly she turned to see Mahlouk walk up and sit beside her. It was the first time she had seen the male since that day he had stumbled into her den. The Lt. General knew he had joined the pack since then, but she had not seen him around. "Hello Mahlouk," she greeted before turning her attention back to the stranger.

At the man's gruff tone and pathetic excuse her ears flicked back slightly. Came to look? Savina caught the scent of Phoenix Valley coming off of him. The last male she had met from that pack hadn't been the most pleasant individual either. What had her mother-in-law been thinking when letting such creatures into her pack? "Came to look at what exactly?" Her tone was not rude, but it was stern, showing she expected a satisfactory answer. She wasn't going to have people snooping about their borders without a good cause. Gotham looked up at his mother and back at the strange man. The boy wondered if she was going to get angry like she had at the woman who had been mean to his sister. He didn't find anything about the male particularly alarming. Even if he had he wasn't the type to say anything or react badly. He took everything in fairly good stride, especially for someone his age.


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