soft spoken with a broken jaw
OOC: Rawr goes the kitty

Mahlouk nodded at Savina when she greeted him. He hadn't seen her since that one time. He was only lucky she was so understanding. It wasn't Savina that was interesting him. It was the scarred male. The way he moved his face away made Mahlouk curious. Why would he move his face away? Was he ashamed? How could he when worse was sitting only a few feet away? Moving forwards with Boo hanging from his jaw he stepped past Savina and towards the male.

Mahlouk didn't wait for the stranger to answer the ebony females question before asking his own. Setting boo down he went about doing so."Mahlouk doesn't understand why you are in such a rush?" His void blue eyes watched closely waiting. Why would the male leave so quickly? In a way as the white male looked over the other he envied him. While his scars were made out of a custom in an old pack, this other males had been gained over time, each one a metal to something. After a few minutes he dropped his blue eyes not able to look for long. After being told he wasn't worthy of looking at others he had learned quickly to drop his gaze.


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