I sing to keep the darkness away

Jasper knew all to well what the pup meant about not playing well with others. It was different for the two of them, which was obvious, but still in some way the same. He'd grown up fearing meetings of a social nature but, unlike the bird, Jasper was withdrawn and awkward, quiet and most often very passive. The fire inside of him, that small spark of personality, had been put out when his father knocked him across the room that day so long ago. Like the good pack member that he tried to be, Jasper forced the thoughts of the past out of his head and brought his full attention to the matter at hand.

He considered the words, searched his memory, but Jasper didn't often go out and meet people. "Nuh-uh. Don't think I've seen 'em. Sounds like they been gone a long time though." In reality, Jasper knew that it meant that they probably weren't coming back. His family had left him also and, had it not been for the fact that he'd made the effort to track down his father and follow him, he doubted that he would've ever seen them again. "I'm not so good at huntin' really, just fishin', so I could help ya get some good, jus' couldn't be much help teachin' ya how to hunt." Of course, that was implying that the pup was going to stay with them. "Y'could always stay here a while, maybe they'll find ya."


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