A dog's life
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... spring.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top;">

Asariel was otherwise oblivious to the male's coy charm; she was too wrapped up in the thought of a new possible friend. He seemed kind enough, though she noticed he did not give her his name when she asked. Oh well; mystery was all part of the allure. The young woman watched him with the rabbit and the quail, noting that he was skilled enough to have caught himself something, perhaps with a trap. The animals didn't appear like they had been caught by an animals jaws, but then again, what did she know? "Oh, anything's fine, really. I'm not picky. I'll eat pretty much anything that you put in front of me." She said, looking slightly sheepish.

She plucked a piece of grass from the spot where she sat and began to twist it around her fingers, careful not to slice the fragile thing with her claws. She heard the man's voice speaking to her; she looked up and blinked. "You've lived here long?" he inquired. "Oh, I've lived here for...a couple two or three months, actually." She frowned. Has it really been that long?" she mused. Yes, she supposed it had been. Seeing as she had arrived in the middle of February...that would make it almost three months, now.

Time flies.


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