it was the sound of a crescendo [p]
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The atmosphere in Dahlia de Mai was thick with grief; littered with perturbed souls mourning the death of a fellow packmate. Although she’d never taken the time to create a bond with the male, the dreadful news did not leave her unfazed. It made her regret all the times she’d ignored his presence, most particularly at pack meetings. Danger was all around; the Acer was painfully becoming aware of that. Not only did they have to protect the children from a puppy-eater, but they also had to keep an eye out for Ril’o’s murderer. It terrified her. There wasn’t a single moment when Conor wasn’t on her mind. He meant the world to her. Then there was Adelaida, who’d just up and disappeared soon after Ril’o’s death. Her sister had a fragile heart and judging from her reaction to the latest news, Alexey could only assume that she’d grown fond of the male.

Her concern brought her all the way to Halifax, in hopes of finding the masked female. Tall buildings towered overhead, casting gloomy shadows upon the city. The fading sun had taken an apricot complexion, announcing dusk’s rapidly approaching arrival. It was her cue to go home. However, a distant silhouette entered her vision before she could even think of doing that. Her muzzle pushed forward as she attempted to decipher the wolf’s identity; a female, and her scent was awfully familiar. Her eyes narrowed; it couldn’t have been Adelaida, the form was much smaller in size. An adolescent, more than likely. “Princess?” she called out, her voice fortified with a hint of vexation. Now wasn’t the time to be wandering around unclaimed territories, especially not without a guardian.


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