There's nothing there, it's like eating air
My apologies for the delay. Hope you're okay with this going for another couple of replies? 300+

Guardians? If at all possible, her ears sank lower against her head. She didn't want her mothers finding out about this or they would never let out of their sight again! Or Savina, for that matter. Brooklyn liked the dark female and indeed couldn't wait for the puppies to come, but really, the thought of upsetting her now made the girl feel a little ill. She would disappoint all of them and they wouldn't think she was a good pup like her brothers and sister. She'd be the outcast. Her feverish imagination took hold and she saw herself being thrown out of the pack, never allowed to come near it again. She'd have to go and stay with that nice wolf who gave her a feather, but if he heard about her being so unruly, he might reject her too. Then where would she be? "But you won't tell anyone, will you? I haven't done any wrong, honest. I'm just exploring like my brother!" She wished Haven were with her. He'd know exactly what to do and as annoying as it felt to give so much credit to him, Brooklyn had to admit that he seemed much better prepared for this than her.

In all fairness, she hadn't been paying much attention to anything. The thrill of being so far away from home, coupled with the fact that she was doing something potentially dangerous had all pooled together to make her feel near invincible. But now, turning around, she saw the mass of skulls on poles and felt herself trembling. They really were killers here, ruthless killers with no souls. They didn't care about puppies or adults, they just seemed bent on murder and torment. Brooklyn felt ill and small and utterly alone. She just wanted to go home now. "Why do you hate me, Mister? I ain't done nothing to you! I was just looking. Cowering to the ground, the white pup put her paws over her eyes and tried to shut out the image of the skulls, whimpering softly to herself.


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