Taking a Break
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I assumed there was probably a fire in the fireplace, if Coli had been making tea.

The tall male crested the top of the hill and paused to survey the landscape below, plotting which direction he would take to search for some company. He didn't have to do much looking however as his gooseberry green gaze quickly arrived upon a nearby abode, with a faint wisp of smoke rising from the chimney, signaling that someone had taken up residence there, either that or the house was beginning to burn down. The former seemed far more likely however as he also observed a familiar form sitting on the porch of the structure, evidently looking towards the hill to see who was coming. Colibri Haki, the shy female he had met almost two weeks ago was sitting there, which meant that this must have been Deuce's house. He had remembered the white woman saying that she and Coli shared a home. This made him immediately wonder where the other female was. As he started down the hill, his long legs carrying him at a brisk pace down the decline, he arrived at the conclusion that surely the other woman was indoors tending to something. Perhaps they were cooking over the fire...or making tea. He remembered drinking tea with his mother when he had been younger. She had always said that the herbs in the tea would help him relax and focus on his work. However, making tea had never been a concept he had grasped in its entirety. The selection of the proper herbs as well as how long to let them boil in the water, it was all too involved. This might seem odd coming from a male whose life's pursuits were the complex arts of woodworking and carpentry, but it was true none the less.

He was now very near the home, and as he strode up the front drive, his timid nature caught hold of him for a moment. What would he say to her? How could he start a conversation? Surely he would make a fool of himself if he didn't say something soon. After all, wasn't it customary to greet an individual before approaching them? The male dwelt upon this last thought for a mere two seconds before agreeing with himself. "Hello there," he began, his tenor voice cracking nervously as he reached the half-way point in the small path, leading to the porch steps as he raised one of his hands in a friendly wave, "I've been meaning to find you, to talk to you about your greenhouse. However, that's not why I came here today," he stuttered the last sentence, quickly trying to recover his greeting, "I've been rather lonesome of late and figured I needed someone to talk to. I had hoped to find you...that is...I had hoped to ask you if you would like to chat?" By now he was only a few steps from the chocolate and cream female, a nervous grin on his face as he stood there, all 7'3" of his tall, muscular form. One might think it unsuitable for such an intimidating looking person to be so shy, but unfortunately that was just the way he was.


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