the rhythms of a landscape that is breathing


It was good to hear that there weren't many wars. Hemming nodded as the female suggested it was the low levels of communication that kept them from biting each other's throats. That would make sense, he supposed, but he would also guess that a lot of communication would do help as well. It was probably the intermediate levels that could lead to disputes. What was there to argue over, here? The land seemed plentiful enough to all but eliminate that as a factor, but then again Hemming had not seen it all. Perhaps there would be arguments over bits of the cities, or a troublesome wolf mucking around with someone from another pack. Hemming could certainly imagine the latter.

The male chuckled when she proposed that he'd want a role that didn't leave so much room for getting distracted. It had only been a few minutes and she already had him pegged. "That would probably be best." A sheepish grin crossed his maw. " I had forgotten how much I enjoy woodworking. I'd like to make things for others, too," he held up his chunk of wood for a moment, idly. "Maybe I could be of some use around here," he laughed. It would be nice to make a contribution now that he thought he understood how things worked around here.


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