I sing to keep the darkness away

Even Jasper scrunched up his nose and made a face at the description of Tuck's food. Honestly, Jasper was always used to eating his food cooked and would only eat it raw if he absolutely had to, which wasn't often at all. Even so, he was sure that it was a delicious treat for a bird despite how horrid it sounded to a wolf. Once again the boy was up and off, hiding under a bush, and Jasper gave a half frown at the fact. He hadn't meant to scare him but he supposed it couldn't be helped.

"Nah, we don't gotta wait." He motioned toward the wagon that he'd left behind before, which had both a fishing pole and small pouch inside of it. While the boy stopped to sit, Jasper made his way over to the wagon, reaching inside to take the pouch before returning to sit beside the child. Legs folded over one another and he turned to the boy, using one hand to dig through the pouch and the other to hold it. "I'm Jasper de le Poer, by the way. We call this place Clouded Tears." He explained, removing a few chunks of cooked fish from the pouch, which he promptly placed on the ground for the younger male. It was meant to be his lunch but, as always, Jasper was willing to share.


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