Behind Blue Eyes

Faster faster faster, get back to Alexey before daddy got him first. The taste of bile burned in his throat, yet went by unnoticed as he ran. A wild expression took place in his face as his father quickly caught up with him, and soon strong, yet surprisingly gentle hands grabbed him. A sqeal left his maw in surprise and fear, and he stared right up at his father’s colour, brilliant blue staring straight down at him. In the heat of the moment, he could not even recognize the adult as a woman. The little male had known there was a smaller version of daddy around, as he had seen her at the pack meeting, but there was little sense in the puppy as long as the far ran slick and thick through him like the worst of venoms. He wanted to kick, scream and perhaps even bite, but the boy found himself unmoving, completely paralyzed.

Lilac eyes stared blindly up at her face, his body still as if been dead for hours. The terror from earlier that morning was too fresh, and the boy was certain that now he was going to die for certain. He had felt like that a lot of times, but this time it was going to happen. It was because he had ran to Alexey and asked if he could live with her away from daddy and now daddy was so mad that he wanted to kill Conor! If the puppy had been able to, he would have closed his eyes as death approached, but he was not in a position to do anything. He could only await his fate, ears completely deaf to the adult wolf’s words.


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