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Sorry for not seeing this sooner! O_x 500+

There was a great and revolutionary revision happening within the ivory girl, Catalyst could certainly feel it. Just about to be four months, and it was about nine months too early to have seen the sight that she did at the borders, or perhaps mentally deal with the confrontation and truth that Conor brought to her upon the sun kissed shores of Whisper Beach. With being the first born out of her litter, the largest, and certainly the most dominant out of the rest, there were now other reasons to set her apart from the rest of her siblings. Bloodshed, mental anguish, eyes that burned and resonated into painful headaches from nonstop tears that her siblings were blessed to have not felt at this stage, shouldn't be feeling. Granted that they too felt some ebb of pain and tears for their mother abandoning them, but perhaps they didn't take their pain to different levels of their psyche. Not like how Catalyst did.

One could instantly tell from a distance that there was no bounce in her steps, no bright eyed outlook looking forward to the day's mischief, no innocence to be had about her spirit. Her figure was too sullen for her age, her ears narrowed to where the tips almost hung over the ear in fashion of a domestic dog, and where her two toned vision was trained to nothing but the ground passing beneath her. A state one couldn't begin to fathom seeing a puppy in, but Catalyst was that walking, sorry state. Her world had been thrust into confusion, hurt, fear. As if matters weren't worse enough of wondering just simply why her mother abandoned them, now there was bloodshed to be seen, emotions to reveal, truths to be twisted, frigid fear to be felt twirling down her spine.

Catalyst wandered a little far from the church today, not in the mood of playing with the puppies and wanting to be detached from the rest of the world, just so she could try and make somewhat sense of what has all happened. She followed a light stream, up until the point where there was no destination at paw until underneath a tree sat a great muscular tawny figure, with piercing blue eyes. If it wasn't for her nose that roused her to sniff at a recently wafting scent, she probably would have passed up the adult like he was a ghost. Stopping in her tracks, her head raised, her ears still drab. Catalyst simply stood in silence, watching the male from a few feet away. He seemed to hold something of a similar attribute to exhaustion, but Catalyst wasn't for certain. Typically her figure would be more alert, but it was carried around like it was heavy for her. The adult looked pretty intimidating indeed for his size, she had not seen him before, but couldn't help to not find any words to say, or really do anything for an action.

Catalyst simply stood there, and just played a dull eyed staring game.


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