no redemption


Slap. In that moment Leroy put together that fact the last time he had gotten slapped, and it was very much the same feeling coming from her. It seemed sudden things always happened to him, sudden physical things that tend to sting. Leroy's moved moved up to a stand with him not even noticing as his mates words came down like a fiery hail threaten to burn him off the planet where he stands, hmm lots of love there.

Red eyes looked as the red woman we just shouted at him as his brows pushed together, Leroy could put together from the slap that she remembers and so his plans for the house are out the window. Ears twisted back as he watched his mate rant at him, her words made since but yet she didn't understand him at all on this matter. "What the hell! First off do you even notice the people that was hurt by this?" He knew that he meant this not physicals but emotionally, himself and Firefly left the cabin often looking for a distraction from the pain they felt for and from their friend. Facing Svara, Leroy stood still as he spoke, though he was sure if he wouldn't tell her about his fear for her. He doubts she would even consider it."You are so full of it really, I didn't say anything because why should i burden you with such information when it was hard enough for you that you didn't even know who you was! " His own voice was deep and rough as he didn't need a growl in his throat.

table by Syd


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