I sing to keep the darkness away

Unable to resist the temptation of food, Jasper popped a piece or two of fish in his own mouth before closing the pouch once more, which he settled safely into his lap. Every once and again, as he sat and chewed his small snack, his eyes drifted over to the pup, somewhat curious and still a bit hesitant about asking him anything else. "Well.." He said, gulping back the last bit that still lingered in his mouth. "Not really anything on it at all, just a little bit of salt to keep it fresh an' give it a little extra flavor. What makes it taste different is cause I cooked it over a fire."

He wasn't at all surprised to learn that it was different for the boy. Though it had been common where he lived, he'd quickly come to learn that it was not so common here. His next question made Jasper stop and think for a moment, having never considered the fact that he might talk different from other people. "I came from far across the ocean, place called Europe." He explained, head tilting to the side just slightly as he sat. "Guess that might be why I talk and do things so different sometimes. It's way different from living here." There was no arguing that. "Y'know where you come from?"


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