Mommy, it's all coming apart...
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Sorry for the delay—I had planned to have this up earlier but I got busy. And I’ll put Cwmfen down in lupus form, unless you want to have her in optime? Poor Brennt and his dreams, OnO

Upon four legs the Adonis traveled with an ephemeral silence and stealth through the woods of Arachnea’s Revenge. She was determined now, compelled more than she had ever been. She was thus compelled because it was not her life but the lives of her packmates that were on the line. Not all could fight battles, and Corvus’ brutal and merciless attacks would not stop. Ezekiel, Onus, Slay, Tokyo—they had all suffered for her. And now Ril’o had paid with his life. So many, her mind whispered incessantly. As the Warrior, was it not her duty to protect these creatures? Each time the attacks had occurred at the boarders or within some unclaimed territory. She could not request that all wolves remain within the territory, especially because she did not know who the next target was, even if there were to be another. There would be another, she thought suddenly. I’m next. She knew it with a certainty. Silently her form slipped along the shadows of Halifax city, her mind permitted to linger briefly upon the vigilante that lived here.

And now she had received word from Phoenix Valley that Brennt had killed a pup. That was dangerous news. It was dangerous now for Brennt more than ever. And the woman, while she searched for her father, searched also for the yellow eyed predator. It was unfortunate that such a natural creature had to be killed. The woad warrior truly believed that. But he had failed to learn the laws of society. Why did he come here, she wondered suddenly. There are so many other places filled with loners and their pups. Would he not have found enough food there? The woman recognized as well that her thoughts were viewed as wrong within these lands, that she was technically wishing ill will upon the lives of others. But who else would control the population? Bear and cougar attacks were rare, as were the deaths from hunting accidents. Was this yellow-eyed creature not a control of the cycles of nature? Nevertheless, Brennt had attacked one of Dahlia’s pup, and she sought him now.

The black fae paused, lifting her woad bound maw to the air. It was strange. It was strange that she had only just been thinking of him and now she had found his scent. A soft growl sounded in her throat. He was close. The warrior’s pace slowed to mask the clicks of her claws against the slowly crumbling concrete. She followed the trail, lowering her maw occasionally to make sure she was on the freshest. And then there, ahead of her, she saw him. He was within that vast cemetery, simply sitting, simply alone. There was something strange, she thought, about the predator this time. The woman paused. Perhaps some would have commanded that she attack at that very moment, to gain the upper hand while his attention was elsewhere. But such a thought never crossed her mind. She would make her presence known and formally challenge him to battle. It was the only way. A warrior could not attack one who simply stood in passivity.


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