I sing to keep the darkness away
OOC: Im not sure if abandoned warehouses are aloud, but probably considering as someone else on the sight was born in an abandoned subway station. Who is the Alpha of Clouded Tears?

[html] "Oh," he simply muttered as the wolf talked of adding salt and cooking it. Domino was disappointed that he didn't knwo what any of it was. All he knew was that he had to eat to live. Food was his means to keep living. He wondered what cooking was but did not wish to plague Jasper with questions for he might get annoyed with him so he just stored it way to ask about later.

"I was born in what my mum called a Warehouse. I'm not really sure what it was but there where lots of holes in the walls and it got really cold at night. But there were always rats around to eat, and water in the basement. I wasn't aloud outside at night though. Papa said it would be dangerous," domino said eager to tell Jasper of his home. He wanted to tell of his games with the rats when his parents went hunting, and how the large barn owl would sometimes sing with him in the late night.

"There was a huge Owl I called Monty who would sing with me at night when I couldn't sleep. My parents slept through it most of the time, probably cause they couldn't hear me over papas snores." Domino laughed as he remembered the way his mother and him would fuss at papa for his snoring. They used to say a Bear would think it was a friend and come in and gobble them up.

"So when they disappeared I was eager to explore outside of the warehouse, I wanted an adventure. Turns out it's not so dangerous at night, just scary. But I soon got lost and couldn't find my way back to home. Do you think there still there waiting for me there? Maybe i was the one who had ran away and not them..." He said. Maybe he had been, and really his parents were worried over him and looking around the warehouse. Maybe they thought of him as dead. [/html]

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