You've got nothing to prove, stay afraid
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makes sense to me! I think… Big Grin

The youth was fast, but not as quick as he could have been if the beast was standing at the same height as he had. The creature was above him, it seemed in ever way. But Heath wanted to take him down a peg or two. In his own homeland the boy wanted to show him that respect should be granted to those that were friendly visitors. It was only right, and of course the anger that the coyote had raised in his core controlled his reaction. His confidence soared as he felt soft flesh against he teeth, the sweet metallic taste of blood gracing his tongue.

But he was over him, teeth grasping at the heavy skin that covered the nape of his neck. There was pain there, but Heath was a master at feeling such hurt and moving passed it. He even savored the feeling, letting a pleasure come from it as well. There were parts inside that scolded him for taking so long to engage the other male, prolonging the sweet pain that could be had. Of course fear for his life was secondary, but present. He tried to move away from him, pull away from the other's long claws and regain the distance they had once before. Her growled out of instinct, feeling the pain in his side as the claws raked against him.

They staggered apart, the male letting go of his neck and allowing their separation. Heath panted heavily as his dark yellow eyes looked at the beast that had finally come down to his level. Ready for the next wave of attack the boy stood bleeding, the pain soaking in and making him smile. He was sick to take the hurt and make it pleasure, but it was easy as he saw the effects of his teeth on the male's leg. The blood tainted his tawny colors just as thoroughly as they did his own.

table by erin


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