It's never enough for me.
OOC: bloopbloop goes the fishie

Svara narrowed her eyes at the male. It was obvious he was no real threat, it didn't make her anger cool any. What idiot came inside a cabin, with the area marked up as much as this one? Of course this idiot above her, who smelled so much like her mate. A brother then? A brother who was just as crooked in the head as Leroy, maybe more so. Moving up to lean against the wall she kept the knife up. His words only made her snort and put the weapon down.

"Do you walk into cabins and stick your dick in sleeping women all the time?" Svara asked as she moved to get up, trying to shake the male from her still healing body. Apparently sex was now something she could do again. Not that she had gotten anything out of the exchange with the air head that raped her. Hell rape didn't have to be horrible, Svara didn't even know she was being rape. So she wasn't to upset at the moment, but she pity any male so desprate he needed a sleeping female. "Hope you enjoyed yourself. Now If you don't leave and right now I'm sure my pack will be willing to help you."


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