the rhythms of a landscape that is breathing

i like it :3 i watched that music video... it's sad ;o;


What the woman said next was mysterious to Hemming. He had been wandering largely on his lonesome, but did run into others fairly often. A few of the wolves he ran into did help him quite a bit, in various ways. Ember had been extremely helpful in showing him around a bit and helping him to settle down in a den, and now this female was giving him a quick rundown of different roles one could play within the tribe. In a way, they were guiding him, but the exact phrasing of Catherine's words suggested something more.

Putting the piece of wood down beside him and grabbing his crossed ankles, Hemming readjusted himself a little and looked up. "What do you mean?" He didn't see the snake that had been wrapped around his neck, and though he had noticed that Dawali had a large bird on his shoulder, he didn't think a lot of it besides wondering about the eccentricities of the pack. Was there a flock of birds somewhere that somehow held the secrets of the land, and would help you once you proved your worthiness? The confusion that the male felt enforced his idea that he still had many, many things to learn.


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