time sucks because it hates me


[ wanted to jump in!]

The shade from the trees was cool and inviting, spend so much time working around their new pack sitting still was nice. A deep breath of air left his jaws as the halfling male laid on his side under the tree bathing in its shade, the beach was nice but the forest was just as welcoming. Rose eyes were hidden behind his lids as he thought about the differences. No, this brute had never put this much into a pack before, maybe it's because he had no roots there. Walk onto their land and join, go by their rules and hang around then leave. This home was different, it's really a home unlike before, here he was there when they formed together. This is his pack. No matter what happens from this point on he would still do what is needed for the group, that though made his ear twitch as Leroy's mind moved to the food supply. 'hmm I might need to get another one...maybe later'

Listening a strange, unnatural sound begun to emit from the trees that made his ears fan forward. Large patterned body slowly lifted itself off the ground to a stand as his head tilted listening, sniffing in lung fulls of air Leroy's tail raised up behind him at the strangers scent. Quickly moving the source of the smell and sound dropped from the tree in front of him, but her back was to him as his voice rattled his throat. "What are you doing here?" Leroy has never felt like a dominate type but his body gave away the point this was pack lands.
table by Syd


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