tempting the viper
Firefly couldn't help but laugh at the silly little child who was trying to act like she was so grown up. She shook her head sadly and gazed down at the thing in disgust as she tried to prove a point with the adult. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she was informed that she knew nothing of being a Sadira when she'd been stamped with the damn name from day one. She sneered down at the little piping brat as she asked. "I don't do I? That's strange indeed when my own mother was a Sadira and my siblings seem to all carry the blood as well." She shook her pelt like she was trying to get rid of a bad thing as she said in disgust. "It's in the blood, not like I could rid myself of the lot of you if I wanted to." She really wouldn't mind ridding the world of a few of the relatives. She really wished that she could have started with Haku's own damn child from that sniveling white bitch but she'd already send the brat on her way. Too bad.

She cast her emerald eyes back to the child as she spoke once more, Firefly was almost tempted to ignore the german tongue as she rattled off again. She hadn't heard the words spoken in so long, except for Sabeen and she wasn't even certain the bitch knew she was speaking another tongue. Firefly's eyes just dance in amusement as the child seemed to think that she was getting away with something or another. She was blessed atleast with having too much freetime aboard the ships and being able to learn a multitude of languages, some just spatters while others were fluent enough. She let out a large yawn at the pup to show just how much she cared for her words before beginning to work in removing a burr from her tail as the brat carried on.

Firefly knew that if she wished to dazzle the world all she had to do was put a soft little simpering smile on her lips and let her looks do the talking but she hadn't gone that far in such a long time, the temper and fists of her ex-mate had almost guaranteed that she would put the skills away, yet she found herself free from his chains and able to walk among the living again. She didn't mind what one thought of her, she would get from the world what was needed, and if she had to give a little to earn what she wanted it was her choice. She flicked her eyes across the form of the plain little puppy as she gave a bratty little reply that the Sadira woman had almost expected from the runt. She gave a chuckle at her words and just rolled her eyes. Children could be so amusing from time to time, if they weren't so annoying as well. Why did they think that was so cute.. really it just made her want to throw the brat down a well.

She hadn't expected the puppy to do a complete personality change with the threat that she'd issued in her native tongue but she should have known that children either reactive in fear at threats or in some utter annoying amazement. She of course had to be one of those kids that was amazed. She groaned and shook her head as the child suddenly went into a stint on the fact that Firefly could indeed speak German. She gave up and plopped herself down on the ground and eyed the kid before admitted, in English, just to annoy. "Yes I know it.. I didn't always live on this rock you know.." Well, she'd never lived in Germany either, but the high seas were a place with a million languages running wild and it had worked well enough to become her stomping grounds. A heathen child running rampid on a ship with a fistful of languages at her command, mostly cusswords but she had been able to gain hold of German and French onboard, Gaelic as well had been added in the mix when she'd emerged herself in the barbarian world of the celtic wolves.

She smirked at the girl as she went on. "Veranlassen Sie Gebrauch dazu, nicht vieler Sorge, die Muttersprache eines Anderen zu lernen." She let her eyes drift away from the girl as she asked the more serious question. Firefly flicked an ear back, debating on telling her some wild story before she finally admitted. "Ich bin Firefly, Ihre Mutter .. war meine Tante oder etwas.." Not that she cared what the woman had been, she was gone now so it didn't matter to her.

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