Underneath the skin


Months before Cercelee wouldn’t have known what to do with the weeping boy. When Emwe and Conor had been brought into the world Cercelee had been so far removed from her maternal instincts she could only view them from a leader’s standpoint. They were the first true Dahlians, born and bred in Dahlia de Mai. They were the next generation of the pack. They had been a blessing despite their parentage, but Cercelee hadn’t been able to extend much warmth towards them past that. Of course when they had gone missing she had been terrified, upset, and a million other emotions. Yet they had always been symbols rather than individuals, until she had learned what puppies were really all about. The large Sadira litter that had been dropped at her doorstep had changed the female, irreversibly, and Cercelee hope that her newly found soft spot for children was for the better of the pack.

“Conor, Conor.” Cercelee moved in closer, he was small yet and her body towered over him. She moved slowly so that if the child resisted she could pull away, but her actions were sincere and the white lady hoped he was receptive. Her head bent down to nuzzle the boy, a warm pink tongue extending to lick up the salty tears of her tiny distant cousin. “I’m sorry, I truly am.” And she was, because she knew it was partly her fault that the child was motherless, and she wouldn’t be able to explain it to him now, but hopefully when he was older they could have this conversation again.


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