I would still lay down my life for you
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That still moment seemed to stretch on for eternity, and the man would not have minded if it had. They were complete in that moment. One with each other. He loved her completely and with no restraints. The thought of being so open and vulnerable with her no longer frightened him in the least. For her and her alone he would bare his heart. For her he would be soft and compassionate. He would be gentle and show her the pleasures of this world that at all other times he denied himself. He did all of this because he wanted to. He wanted her to know him completely and he wanted that same knowledge of her. Onus wanted to hide nothing from her. Whatever was left of him after those years of solitude belonged to her.

As he felt her squeeze around him a soft whine came from his throat. The ecstasy that she evoked within him incomprehensible. Each time he moved within her shivers shot up his spine. The man had never imagined to feel this way in his life and now he craved for it as one craves for food. For any type of nourishment. Her head pressed back against the bed and his lips and tongue danced along the skin of her neck. Her scent was more fragrant than that of the rarest flower. Her taste more sweet than water in the desert. He found the rapid pounding of her artery and his teeth brushed against it lovingly. A silent promise to never draw her blood. Moving from her neck his tongue traced around her breasts again, his tongue flicking at her nipples, taking them into his mouth and sucking on them gently.

His movements increased and she pressed herself to him again. Her hands running across his toned back, holding herself to him tightly. He growled, almost possessively, daring any in the world to try and drive the two of them apart. While their bodies might not always be as close as they were now, their hearts and souls always would be. The man would never let that happen. Not as long as there was still any flicker of life in his body. His hips thrust against her, his pace becoming unrelenting. The arm that held her slender form felt her muscles tense and he knew her climax was coming as well as his own. Though as before her wanted her pleasure to come before his own. This all had been about her and it would continue to be so until the very last.

Her cry echoed through his body and soul and he shuddered as he felt her body follow suit. Feeling her womanhood clamp around him he was no longer able to hold back and absolute euphoria spread throughout his body. He cried out with her as he expelled his seed inside of her. Onus felt her sag in his arms and he followed her into that lowered position. He could feel the exhaustion leaking into his form, but still he hovered over her, still inside her unwilling to leave that union. He looked into her eyes as her lips found his. He returned that kiss, it was sweet and deep, like his love for her.


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