give me food and I will live


[this is after he finds out bout Svara..^^]

Walking his mind was a scatter of hurt and aggression as the halfling hybrid trotted roughly on their borders.. Paws slammed the ground as his blood eyes watched the area as his bi-colored body moved with powerful steps that was fueled by his anger, curly tail swayed semi-high behind his large form as his ears remained back. A growl slowly boiled in his chest as his lips twitched slightly to show his deadly fangs, his day was shity from the moment he woke up. Fury filled the man as his hackles were raised as his trotted along their home. The urge to drink himself asleep was way to tempting for the husky. His annoying day with that stupid porcupine that put him in a very aggressive mood, maybe he was looking for an reason to fight.

Leroy's mood was beyond fool as his thick limbs moved quickly to a stop, sniffing a strange scent came to his nose that was fairly close to the borders enough to get his attention. Ears flickered back as his direction change to the unknown smell. Leroy wasn't in the mood for any trouble makers near his packlands, his patience was practically gone this evening as the sky was bright with the setting colors. It didn't take long for Leroy to find the young male before him, as a loud annoyed snort emitted from him. It may seem the male is leaving but either way he didn't want him returning to his home with his plans going by unsure.
table by Syd


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