empty walls

"Yep, that's right!" She answered, grinning. She really did love being around little ones; she could remember all the good times she'd had when she had been young, and she tried to remake those memories for the young ones that she met. Who had it been...who had taught her to read? Physe? Maybe. He had known how to read, that was for sure. She could remember learning it alongside somebody...maybe Dierdre, or someone. Physe had been a really good teacher, slow and patient. It had made her into an even better reader. And then she, in turn, had taught Conri all about reading.

"I forget sometimes that not everybody knows how" She admitted, smiling halfheartedly at him. "I was taught by my adopted father Physe, back when he was leading Chimera and Aremys. They were two packs that used to exist, back when I was a young one like you." It would be hard for Kansas to learn how to read books, becaus he wasn't shifted, but there were ways to turn pages without using hands, she supposed. She'd always managed, before she had learned how to shift. "If you can become a werewolf, later in life, it will be easier. But you can still learn now--I learned it when I was your age. I could...teach you, if you want?"

Naniko nodded approvingly at the materials that Kansas put onto the pile, getting her two rocks out and holding them over the little mound of sticks and straw. "For the fire, first, though--all that you have to do is take these two rocks and click them together really hard, right above the tinder. The tinder is the stuff that we just put down there--stuff that will light easily. If you try for long enough..." She paused, clicking the stones together, "It'll light" The stuff started to turn black, curling at the ends, the small pile lighting up in a few moments.

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