when our mouths are filled with fire

She hadn't hunted with someone else in a while, so this would be a good refresher course. She had hunted with Tayui for a little while, when they had both joined Aniwaya to begin with all those months ago...but since then she'd stuck to mostly solo-hunting. Her friend had been heavily pregnant and then she'd had her pups, and Ember hadn't expected her to do any hunting for a while. Not until she got back up on her feet. The dark wolf had brought home many rabbits back then, going outside of the territory to try and find more when she had felt like she'd hunted enough of Aniwaya's.

She slowly approached Hemming from behind, trying to creep around him so that she would be in his view and wouldn't make him jump or anything. She didn't want to scare nearby prey. She came at him from the side, trying not to make noise but trying to be noticed at the same time.


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