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What had become of Leland the male wasn’t sure, but as he stroll through the pack lands that his brother had once called home Lysander knew that wherever he was, he wasn’t here anymore. The thought didn’t sadden him, but rather he felt as if he had done Leland a favor. Whatever life Leland had been pretending to live here wasn’t meant for him. Not really. Lysander was sure, almost hundred percent so, that his true purpose in life was chasing about his childhood sweetheart. Never mind that Lyla had chosen another over him. Never mind that she had children. Never mind that Rue would be upset to see the male’s return. Lysander was sure that he had done his brother a favor. Aniwaya, the crazy tribe with it’s silly member’s, was not for his brother. Only nut cases lived there.

He moved happily along on two legs, not at all surprised how easy it had been to cross through the borders and into the pack lands. He hadn’t come across a scout, and it did not surprise him for he rarely scouted the Phoenix Valley borders, why should the wolves in Aniwaya be any less lazy? It was common courtesy for most to stop at the borders and wait for entrance to be granted. Lysander was above that. Or perhaps below it. Either way he ignored protocol and he didn’t come across a single soul until he saw her.

The tiny child with the tiny duck and his face lit up in a grin. Immediately he thought of Oliver and Jake, his two little boys. Had they grown big? Did they have pet ducklings? Sighing away the nostalgia the husky crept up closer, clearing his throat as so not to startle the little girl. Little girls were probably scared rather easily. “Hello there little miss... it’s certainly a nice day to take your duckling for a stroll, don’t ya think?” Lysander slowly crouched down, finding it far easier to converse with children this way.


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