A dog's life
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Lysander pulled the quail from the fire, the small bird roasted quicker than the rabbits and was already done. For himself he pulled a half cooked rabbit, and left the others to finish roasting. He was sure the quail wouldn’t be enough for the women, as small as it was, but he didn’t want to offer her half raw rabbit. To him it didn’t matter, raw or cooked or half cooked, but if he was going to do something for another he liked to go all the way. No half finished jobs. That wasn’t the way to impress someone.

“Here.”He offered the meat to Asariel and sat himself opposite of her, crossed legged. For a while he just slowly chewed his meat, he had heard her answer but decided to take a moment of silence to think about it. Two or three months. That had been about the amount of time he had lived here. It did not surprise him that they had never met before, Lysander knew he spent too much time enjoying himself away from the pack lands to really get to know his fellow pack members. With Winnie gone he could really only recite the names of the two leaders. Maybe now was the time to remedy it.

Swallowing the mouthful of meat, he cleared his throat and offered the pretty woman a smile. “You must of joined right after me. Or right before. ‘Cept I don’t remember you at the meeting they had, right when I joined. A wolf of their’s had died, the old leader or something.” He remembered some of the faces from that meeting, her’s wasn’t among them. And ever since then he hadn’t seen a single one. “Where do you hide out at then? If I’ve never seen you around before now.” He bit off another chunk of rabbit flesh, his steel eyes fixated on the girl before him.


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