My puddle of shit
Sankor was baffled at this change that had overcome his sibling and he didn't even know where to start. Here he was suppose to be the one to help set everyone's wrongs, to listen to their problems and make everything better and yet he hadn't even realized just what his poor sister had been going through. The guilt that racked him was too much as he sat beside her and hoped that at least she would forgive him for not leaving. She should know he would never leave, he'd always been there for her, sometimes late, but always there none the less. Her sobs broke his heart each and every time and yet he was at a stand still, she wouldn't let him in and she wouldn't let him go. They were family after all.

When her voice finally did grace his ears he rasped his tongue across the top of her head and lay beside her, his throat outstretched over her shoulder blades as he whispered softly. "I could never let you go Ade, have you not realized yet that I love you." He let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes, listening and feeling the emotions that were tearing through the girl who was walking backwards in a world always moving forward.

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