Oh Captain, My Captain!


The light had returned to her wicked yellow eyes, and when she answered with a spicy retort rather than a vapid stare, he knew that Svara Thames had returned to them. It hadn't taken too long after all, as he'd hoped. After all, it was the angry girl he liked. He dropped to the ground with a thump, crossing his legs alongside her, leaning back on one arm. Red sky at night, sailor's delight. If they had a ship, the headwind would be perfect for sailing come morning. But of course, they didn't; and he had no idea how to build one from scratch. The magnificent wooden ship he had commandeered to this coast had been purloined from a rival pack of mutts, and now it was nothing but driftwood. Such a great pity. Although he was adapting quickly to the easy life here...

"Why would I get rid of you, madame? If anything, I would expect you to try to escape me." He winked roguishly, implying that she could not. Her low voice spoke again, and he fell quiet as she reiterated the story he had already gleaned. As an outsider to all the drama, he had heard many pieces of the puzzle, and they were finally coming together. Firefly told him about her former mate, and Leroy told him about his insecurities about being second-best to the blue-eyed man. Now from Svara's lips, she had gone back to find the man and got burned from playing with fire. The volatile Dahlian leader had surely captured Jacquez's interests, but he doubted the criminal would return any time soon, knowing that there was the strength of a pack in the territory. In any case, he finally understood more of what had happened, more about how his new comrades worked. "Well, he certainly obliged you - you've got more scars than fur now, by my count. And a little stubby rabbit-tail." His lips curled back into a teasing grin, whiskers bristling in the cool air of approaching night. If anyone would put up with his bluntness, it would be his co-leader.

Almost as soon as the thought had crossed his easily-distracted mind, Svara said it aloud, questioning his choice. Jac had always been a good judge of character, and rarely did others doubt his decisions. Did she simply doubt herself? "Not so weird," he said smoothly, dark eyes meeting her light ones without faltering. "It just makes sense. The others know you better, so if they question my orders, they'll listen to yours. You don't take crap, so if we have troubles at the borders or with other packs, I know you won't stand down. And when you make crap, others will think twice about messing with you, since you're a pack leader." He shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly, light accent colouring his serious words. Age and gender meant nothing to him - it was just the most logical choice. Ruri was the one he trusted best, but she didn't have the composition for being in charge. Haven had great potential, but was still inexperienced in the ways of the world. Leroy was strong, but too sensitive to be around Jac's callous nature so often. Firefly was still trying to regain her spark - putting too much pressure on her could snuff it out, rather than bring back the fiery woman he had met so long ago. That was that. He knew Svara could handle it.




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