Son of Sun
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Still waters run deep

Ruri smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed when Jac described how she helped the pack. That wasn't such a big deal was it? All she did was talk with those who needed it, and sing occasionally. She liked to do that, and it just seemed like common courtesy to her. Was that really being useful? Her half-folded ears flicked atop her head as she pondered the answer to her silent question. "Thanks Jac, I appreciate that. It makes me feel better to know that you think I'm useful," she replied. What difference did it make whether she thought she was useful or not? If Jac thought she was doing something good, then she must have been doing something right. He did know a lot more about this sort of stuff than she did anyway. The slender femme removed her arms from around Jac's body, only to rest her head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth of his fur. This had been one of her habits since she was a pup. Whenever she'd caught Jac sunbathing, she'd always come ly next to him, at least until she got to warm. Unbeknownst to her, her blue merle fur absorbed more of the sun's rays than Jac's lighter coat, thus making her get hotter sooner. She of course, thought she was just less tolerant to the weather than Jac was. Fur color was completely meaningless to the blind girl. Hearing Jac say that things weren't the same without her made her beam with happiness yet again. She was glad to know that Jac needed her, just like she needed him. "Do you remember that old shirt you gave me? That one I would where to keep warm during the winter? I lost it when the ship sank. Do you think maybe you could find me another one? I probably won't need it anytime soon. The weather seems to be getting warmer. I thought I would just bring it up, so that you might think about it the next time you go to the city, wherever that is."The shirt Ruri was referring to had been an old wool sweater that Jac had given her when she was little. In her days as a pup, she had used it as a comfortable blanket, but when she had learned to shift she would wear it one those occasional days when it would be cold down south, especially when it was raining. Being that they now lived in an area that got cold more often than not, it only seemed logical to the thin furred female to try and get something to keep her warm. She knew Jac would probably forget, but she knew that if she told him now, it might resurface in his memory sometime when he was in the city, or at least she hoped so.


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