Walking with a Ghost

The beaten girl tried not to listen to the story, but with the words from a voice Mati could not ignore the memories became bright vivid pictures. They were clear, even sharper then they had been at their original moment. It was surreal, like Mati only stood by and watched the destruction. It was like a dream, one that she opened her eyes to run from. The girl would rather face the pain of her open wounds then the ones within her thoughts. Her breathing grew soft while her mother wrapped her arms with a tender touch. Mati had never truly experienced the talent that her mother possessed for the art of healing, her knowledge was beyond the young girl. But she had never been so grateful for her mothers craft.

Awake enough now to take the potion that was handed to her Mati held it and sipped the tea with the white caregivers help. The soft homelike sound of her words made Mati look to her face, the concern for the others was something Mati felt as well. Though in her heart she was sure that no other would fall into the same trap she had. No one could be so foolish, none other would be so very whiling and allow such a beast so close. It was a shameful truth that made Mati hold it firmly inside, not wanting them to know that it was only at the last moment she had changed her mind.

Instead of speaking her secret, the blood flecked female rested her body deeply into the couch and closed her eyes once again. Her voice did not retreat as the rest of her did, but called forth to meet the two saviors. Naniko would know of the male that saved her, He's Onus. He is going to kill him. Each word was forced, as if she needed to softly gasp at the beginning of each one. But their was something solid about them that spoke of a true belief. There was no doubt, not a single fragment that said he would fail in the task.


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