all our heroes lack any conviction
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443 words.

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The weirdo said some cryptic statements, ones that didn't make much sense - about the nature of love, and truth. Honestly, though, Tokyo really didn't care enough to waste her time trying to puzzle out their meaning. Especially because his tone and her vague understanding of the words indicated that they were insulting, and the Dahlian female was riled up enough already, damnit. His cool demeanor, however, remained unchanged, no matter what she threw at him. It was seriously starting to piss her off. She couldn't understand how someone, anyone, could brush off insults like that as if Tokyo had said nothing of any importance. As if he didn't care what she thought.. as if she didn't even matter at all! She growled, low and rumbling, instinctively releasing anger that was not finding much purchase in it's desperate scrambling to hurt the male. Although honestly, in someone of her size, breathing condition, and gender, it sounded more like a really angry purr.

He spoke some more; a challenge. A threat filled, no doubt, with mere bravado. This stranger would kill her? Tokyo couldn't believe it. In fact, it was so outrageously ridiculous that she couldn't help but laugh, and the fury in her gaze dissipated some as a result. A wry smile twisted her maw. This wolf wouldn't even dare to lay a single paw on her. Why else would he be where he was, cowering on the other side of the border? He was afraid of the Dahlians. His threat was like those that Tokyo threw at puppies; empty, and dangerous only in theory. He wanted to terrify her, but she recognized in the words the sort of emptiness she tossed around, just by how exaggerated his claimed course of action was. To kill her! Absurd.

Well, she'd call his bluff. He'd certainly lose his composure, then, caught in an outright fabrication. "I hadn't decided if you were worth my time, yet." She titled her head, ice blue eyes glittering smugly. Tokyo was going to win any second. This was a moment to savor, her victory over the shadow that had so thoroughly gotten under her skin. "But I think it's only my duty to inform my pack. Even if you're clearly no threat to a full-grown adult, we do have a lot of puppies here. Some of them are small enough you might be a danger. If you catch them asleep, or something." Her tone was mocking, rich with condescension and flavored even with a hint of pity at how terribly dumb and weak this stranger was. She took a deep breath, preparing to let her howl ring out across the land.


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