Wither Rose

Arkham had seen their real father (it was an ironic description, but he still hadn't realized that it had been the monster that had conceived them after all) before. It had been a depressing atmosphere even before anything had come out of his mouth. It had fed the curiosity in him, but he had been too afraid to ask at the time and it didn't seem like Rachias knew exactly why either. I guess so, he conceded, but then some other thoughts came to him. Doesn't he have other family though? Gabriel said his family had run the pack and he sort of inherited it, so what about the rest of his family? In subsequent months and maybe years, the boy would come to realize that there were so many branches to their family tree that it really wasn't even worth mentioning at all sometimes, but for the while, the vastness of his heritage eluded him still.

We should have a meeting spot in the city, he said out of the blue, Somewhere between Inferni and Clouded Tears where no one would bother us. It was a simple, childish concept. A secret meeting place for a secret club that only they would know about. With the rest of their family either uncaring or hostile, it seemed like it would be a good counterbalance. Arkham would never admit just how much he missed smiling company, but it didn't seem like the suggestion was too suspicious anyway.

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