hollow-hearted, heart-departed
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... xeyban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Honey-hued eyes darkened momentarily, overshadowed by a cloud of shame. It was her fault if Emwe and Conor’s mother had been exiled from Dahlia de Mai. Although Firefly deserved it, her absence was clearly troubling the little ones. At first she’d been glad, genuinely happy that her former friend had been punished for her actions; it meant that she wouldn’t be able to inflict harm upon her children any longer. But as time went by, guilt became ever so present in the back of her mind. Alexey had taken everything away from the two-toned woman; her children, her rank, and her pack. It became dreadfully obvious that one day soon, they would meet again. And when that day came, one of them was going to get hurt.

“They have a mommy but she’s not allowed to see them anymore. She did very bad things,” she explained briefly, unable to understand why she was poisoning Catalyst’s mind with such nonsense. Children weren’t meant to hear this kind of stuff, and the Acer almost instantly regretted the words that had come out of her mouth. “Uh, yes. I mean, Conor does. I- I think Emwe does too. I don’t know.” she stammered, now wondering if the chubby pup truly appreciated having her around. Conor was a no-brainer; he normally stuck to her like glue. But Emwe was different.

The questions kept on coming, and the Acer could only smile. She didn’t know how Catalyst came up with so many. Her curiosity was a rather cute personality trait though. “I don’t hate it, but I liked being a puppy a lot more.” she said, her features growing softer. Lexey paused for a moment, mentally scouting the nicest sub-divisions in Dahlia de Mai. “Ila Harbor. It’s the perfect place to go swimming. Have you been there yet?”

She mirrored the pup’s excitement with a slight wag of her tail. When the pup halted in her tracks, Alexey pointed in the right direction with the tip of her nose. They would scout the area where Palindrome was last seen. “South-west. That way.” she indicated, allowing the Rosea’s cousin to take the lead once more.


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