cry me a river
Firefly hasn't expected company but she knew that in time they would find her, they always did. It possibly had something to do with the fact that each and everyone of them knew that she was a firecracker ready to go off and once her temper got the best of her they would all be involved. Better to keep a watch on the loose cannon then have to clean up the mess afterward. She really didn't care either way but she found herself with a lot more company lately than she'd had in a long while, oddly enough it didn't make her as grumpy and snippy as it use to.

She flicked her eyes over to where Leroy had sat down as she finished the last knot on another rung in the ladder. She dropped the heavy mass of rope as she grinned. "Keeping myself out of trouble.. or preparing to get myself into some.. take your pick." She was going to get down into that cave oneway or another, this way could atleast keep her from killing herself. Maybe she'd invite one of the other packmates along for the adventure.. to make sure she came out of the mess alive.

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