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[html]I'm very sorry for the wait; my internet was down. D:
hate you the way I do

Usually, Merit was not clumsy. Rather, he was quite graceful in comparison to many other pups - but lately, his grace had been failing him. With his limbs growing, his height increasing, he found it difficult to not stumble every once and a while, or to trip. These occurrences, however, were still not overly often; soon, he would certainly be out of the irritating, clumsy stage. And he couldn’t wait.

I'm Merit Acidic, he said. Jesile Mogotsi was an interesting name, he found; he liked it. He mentally pinned the name to the male's face, making sure that he wouldn't forget. He knew that it was safer, if not far more polite, to remember the names of those he met. Although meeting wolves was far from a common occurrence with him, he made sure to remember them all.

The other boy asked what he wanted to do. Frowning, Merit considered that; he wasn't really sure. I don't know. What do you want to do?


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