Oh Captain, My Captain!


The same cool wind sank through his dark-furred mane, eating away at the residual warmth he had held onto from gratuitous sun-bathing. The night put him somewhat out of his element - without the bright light to bask in, he knew his dashing good looks would be wasted, and he had a dislike for being cold. The sunny south had that much going for it - consistent temperate weather, unlike the stormy north. Here he would definitely need to ignite bonfires during the winter months, or... find someone willing to keep his bed warm for him.

"Charm makes them chase after me..." he crooned, whiskers crinkling into a teasing smile. He did not have an "off" switch. He just kept prancing and basking in praise and flirting, letting his attention span flit from amusement to amusement. He did not often leave the present, unless it was to muse about how much better the future would be. And when she leaned forward, her husky voice filled with curiosity (and in his filtered perception, undertones of something more), he could hardly lie. "...It wouldn't be the first time." His calm eyes stared up at her, lips slightly parted as he inhaled the wild aroma that rolled from her dark-red fur, telling of deerskin and spicy herbs and blood. She wasn't anything like his usual conquests, the ones with pretty faces and heavy burdens, looking for a distraction stronger than alcohol. She was actually smart.

In his off-balance mind, there was no need for the formalities of mateship and monogamy. Had he not just explained this to Leroy the other day? Wolves were welcome to play their silly games, but he had never felt a smidgen of guilt for intruding on the sidelines. If a female approached him, soft and curvaceous and willing, he would not ask questions. After all, it was her choice... This was the sort of dilemma that Ruri was expected to chime in with severe disapproval, but it was also a world far beyond her scope of comprehension. She was too innocent to know all the depraved games that Jac had been known to play with those of her gender. Because Leroy was his friend, something told him that it might not be the best idea, even if Svara was for some reason offering herself. But the voice silenced itself quickly, knowing that because she had initiated it, he was not in the wrong, and Leroy would understand as he had with Haku. "Does that answer your question, madame, or are you asking me to tonight?"




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