Hi-ho Hi-ho it's off to work we go
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Wow...short post. Sorry about that, I guess my muse didn't want to cooperate ^^'

The tall male was surprised by the woman's request. It had been the last thing he had expected. Perhaps this was payback for him waking her up, although he doubted that this female was that vengeful. Nope, it was more likely that she just wanted a chair, which Rath could understand. Besides, making chairs was not that difficult of a task. "I could certainly make you a rocking chair, but it may take awhile. You see, I already promised someone else that I would build them a greenhouse, and I'm not even halfway done with that project yet. Once I'm done though, I'll make you a rocking chair as fast as I can." That was reasonable wasn't it? After all, he was only one person. It's not like he could build two things at once. Surely the Tokyo would understand. It was not his preference that led him to make that choice, but necessity. He had promised Colibri her greenhouse several days ago, long before he had met Tokyo. It was simply a matter of priority. In an attempt to emphasize his sincerity, Rath smiled warmly, his white tufted ears pricked forward alertly. It was in his nature to try and be friendly towards others. He might have looked big and tough, but the term gentle giant more than perfectly fit his description.


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