Taking a Break
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Rath smiled when Coli consented to talking with him. He was glad for that. When she asked if he would like to come inside, he simply nodded in reply, although it quickly became apparent that she hadn't planned to wait for his answer anyway. As she led him inside, he found himself watching her walk through the door. She really was a beautiful woman. However, he was snapped out of his observant state of mind when the chocolate and cream femme warned him about the door. "Thanks for the warning. I appreciate it. I have to duck to get into my own house as well. Someday I'll probably raise the door frame a bit, so that I don't have to worry about it, but not anytime soon," he chuckled as he ducked beneath the door and entered into the home. It was quickly apparent to the observant male, that Deuce was nowhere in sight. In fact, her scent, though it did linger within the structure, seemed very faded as if she had not been within the confines of the home in awhile. He would have to ask Colibri about it later. If she was gone, he was willing to bet that the timid wolfess was upset about it to say the least.

When she brought up the subject of the beverage she had made, Rath offered an understanding smile, "If you're referring to some of that tea. I'd love some. Even if you say I wouldn't like it, I'd be willing to bet that it probably tests better than water from the stream. The creek near my house has been abnormally muddy lately," he shuddered and laughed when he remembered the first time he had gone to get a drink out of the murky stream. It had been clear up until just about a week ago and then it had gone all muddy. Rath just chalked it up to the strange going's on of mother nature, but that didn't make drinking the water any less unpleasant. The shaggy, reddish-brown male moved towards the fire, his gooseberry green eyes focusing on the dancing flames. Fire had always fascinated him. It was both beautiful and lethal, which intrigued him. However, he did not ponder his interest in the flames for long. "How have things been for you lately, Coli?" he inquired in a curious, but polite tone of voice. She seemed a bit more outgoing than when he had last met her. Had something happened that had helped her come out of her shell a bit more?


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