let me live

Maybe shaking her head around so much like that was a bad idea. Even though her vision had returned to normal her head kind hurt and she felt a little off balance. For a second she thought that maybe she might get in trouble. Maybe she shouldn't be out here messing with the flowers. But when Mati smiled and laughed she assumed that everything was okay. The little brown tail wagged faster and she took a wobbly step towards the older female, nearly falling over in the process. "Woas! I's dizzies!" She planted her four feet on the ground as solidly as she could, hoping to make it go away. "How I make da dizzies gos away?" Mati was older, surely she would have an answer!

The limp flower stem had been discarded and she watched as the Lieutenant picked one of her own. "I's jus out pwayin' wif da flowas. Whas da ones wiff da fuzzies tha blows away?" Cambria wanted to know the name of them so she could tell her parents and siblings about them. She knew Amata would like them. Maybe even momma and daddy would want to come and play with them! That would be so fun! The pup's gaze turned to what was tucked underneath's Mati's arm. "Whas you gots unders your arms Mati?" It looked kinda like a book, but it was bigger than a book. Cambria knew all about books, her daddy had lots and lots of books. He read them stories and poems and stuff. She liked it when he did that.


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