it was the sound of a crescendo [p]
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Puppies often tried to wiggle themselves out of trouble. By now, Alexey had seen every trick in the book. She, however, hadn’t expected such a behavior coming from an adolescent. The Acer had momentarily forgotten about the early stages of adulthood, and how disobeying authority was part of growing up. She could’ve reprimanded Princess for her carelessness, but she chose a different alternative instead. Her left ear twitched when the youngster’s greeting rang through the evening air, but she did not reply. Silence did not seem to faze Princess though, because the teenager jumped from one subject to another; the last pertaining to Tokyo and Cwmfen.

It made her genuinely happy to hear that they’d finally been reunited. The mother had seemed rather alarmed upon learning that her daughter was around, which had somewhat surprised the Acer. But everything seemed to be okay now, according to Princess' statement. Part of her wanted to give in and smile, just to demonstrate how happy she was for the young girl’s family. And she would’ve done so if only Princess hadn’t directly put herself in danger by wandering away from her new home. “A fellow pack mate died a few days ago.” she started, taking a deep breath. “A grown male. Someone killed him.” Her amber-colored gaze remained plastered to the girl’s face, as if trying to understand what was going through her mind at that very moment.

“I told you not to wander away from home. So what are you doing here?” she questioned, her dismay growing exponentially. Perhaps she was being slightly paranoid, but the thought of finding Princess’ lifeless body lying on the ground was quite disturbing. It was her duty to keep her safe, although she technically wasn’t a puppy anymore. She was young, yes, but no longer part of the Surculus ranks. Lexey simply couldn't help herself.


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