the rhythms of a landscape that is breathing

Occ: well, yes, but they're together... at least somehow D8 ...Ah, I'm curious... what kind of animal do you plan for Hemming's Spirit Guide?

Catherine heard him, noticing he hadn't got many explanation about the tribe's legends and spiritual stuff. They were not that different, as she hadn't been warned of the "guidelines" of the tribe and all of that. She only learned about the Spirit Guides when her own shown up to her. It rather forced her to make some embarassing questions to her reptile guardian. At least, he didn't seem to get bothered -or bored- with her interrogatory.

She gave the grass a hard stare. The grayish female knew that the snake was still there. She could almost sense his presence. After a few seconds she glared back to her brand-new friend. Yes, they are. They are spirits that take the shape of an animal, but they don't actually belong to you. You need him, and he needs you. It's kind of weird, she tried to explaine, although the feeling was very difficult to describe. Maybe the only way for him to know how it was would be feeling it himself. Catherine always had the concept that that kind of feeling is unique to everyone.

Well, I know that they can or not be seen by others rather than his guided. And that they can are unique, as everyone else. They have their own personality and shape. And, for yours show itself to you, you'll have to go in a Journey. It's nothing big, but you kight want to talk about it with Dawali. He know best than I do, she said, giving him a hint. Even after being in the tribe for that long, she still was unfamiliar with some traditions.


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