it was the sound of a crescendo [p]
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349 words.

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Princess hung her head, ashamed at having already forgotten about the death that Catalyst had mentioned. It wasn’t her fault, really, that she wanted to explore, and she was trying to find Buttface without really trying to find him. If she had really been trying to find him, she would have been calling his name, or asking around, and on top of that, she would have been breaking one of her mother’s most important rules. By looking for him without really looking for him, Princess didn’t feel that she was doing anything wrong. Except, of course, leaving the pack lands. That was wrong, and hindsight told her that this confrontation could have been avoided if she had only followed the rules that had been set out for her by Alexey, who was kind, and seemed to actually care about her. It made her wonder about the intelligence of leaving the pack lands if it would upset the adults of the pack, particularly Alexey, whom she did like, quite a bit.

“I’m sorry, Alexey. I knew ‘bout the guy that died, but I don’t know his name. Were you close to him?” It was a similar question to the one she had asked Catalyst, and it wasn’t meant to distract the woman. It appeared that Alexey was too smart to fall for the normal puppy antics of skirting around getting into trouble, so Princess had decided it would be a better idea to be straight with her. “I was looking, but not really looking, for Buttface,” she admitted sheepishly, but looking alarmed, amended it quickly, “But please don’t tell my mom. I promised I wouldn’t, because we’re better off without him, and he’s probably not even here, anyway.” Her eyes were wide with alarm at what she had said, as she had not been planning on telling anyone she was looking for her brother. She wasn’t supposed to be looking for him, and in fact, she’d been basically threatened. It wasn’t a threat to her life, but all the same, it had been a threat that, admittedly, scared her immensely.


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