sometimes, the sun shines

indent They were not the same, they would never be the same, but there was just too much of them in each other. He knew that as well as he knew that nothing that was said would change anything. Action was what won the day, and action could tear the world apart. He wanted to smile, to offer reassurance, but he couldn’t. He knew what Laruku had done was wrong, because he had done the same thing oh so long ago. That guilt was his guilt he saw, and perhaps this was perdition. “She can take care of herself,” he replied, voice not much louder. “She just wants her father. You took her in, so you have to accept that.”
indentHis eyes were sharp, waiting. He suspected that the other had been responsible, considering how Laruku treated the girl, but could not understand if it was her symbolism Laruku hated or himself.


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